Friday, November 6, 2009

My pomegranate has never flowered, what am I doing wrong?

I have a Pomegranate bush in my yard. It is 3 years old and has never flowered. I live in South Florida. I have seen very productive pomegranates in our local botanical gardens.

My pomegranate has never flowered, what am I doing wrong?
Usually when a plant does not flower it is because ithe soil lacks phosphorous or the phosphorous is locked up because the soil is too alkaline. Pomegranates are generally very hardy trees and as such should not need too much attention. They generally like poor soil conditins. My guess is that your soil is very alkaline and you should try dropping the PH with some soil sulphur or aluminum sulphate. When soils are too alkaline, a plant is unable to tap into the minerals that would ordinarily be available to it. I would also try feeding it with liquid seaweed. Seaweed does wonders for all plants.
Reply:Try giving it a high phosphorus fertilizer. Fertilizers with high middle numbers promote flowering.
Reply:Does it see much sun? Try giving it a high phosphorus fertilizer you can get this from a nursery. Fertilizers with high middle numbers promote better flowering. But before you feed the fertilizer to the plant make sure you read the instructions as to much of the stuff might kill it.

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