Sunday, March 14, 2010

How do you de seed a pomegranate?

I am looking for the least messy way to de seed a pomegranate, my kitchen looks like a murder site.

How do you de seed a pomegranate?
Cut it in half, put the cut side on the palm of your hand, keep your finger tips out of the way and whack the pomegranate with a heavy spoon. The seeds will drop out in your hand.
Reply:Have you got 2 pomegranates? cos youve asked the question twice!
Reply:i just eat the seeds then you get a tree growing out of your bottom lol
Reply:The best way is to slice the pomegrante in half and hold half in the palm of your hand with the pips facing down, then open your fingers a bit, and tap the top of the pomegrante on top the pips will then drop through the gaps in yur fingers into a bowl, i learnt this off Jamie Oliver good eh?
Reply:um...the seeds are the part you eat. why are you getting rid of them?
Reply:why do you need to de seed. the seeds are what you eat.
Reply:Just cut it in half (sideways on!) then hold it 'face down' and whack it with the back of a soup ladle or something similar.
Reply:you scrape the seeds out of the shell
Reply:Whirr everything and strain. Drink up.
Reply:cut it into quarters and just scoop out seeds into a bowl with a spoon.It can be fiddly though but shouldn't be as bad as you're describing
Reply:The cleanest way I have found is to cut the pom. in to quarters.

Fill a large bowl with water and seed the pom. under the water.

The seeds will sink and and the white bits will float. Also your hands and clothes will not get any red stain on them.

All you have to do is strain the water and you can eat the yummy fruit.
Reply:You dont!! The fruit is a little like a passion fruit .. you eat it all!!


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