Sunday, October 11, 2009

Has anyone tried Sea Thin concentrated fucoxanthin to lose weight?

It says it's all natural. According to the label, it's only ingredients are seaweed and pomegranate. Doesn't sound bad for you.

Has anyone tried Sea Thin concentrated fucoxanthin to lose weight?
Have you tried Diet and Exercise... I mean "Really" tried it. Its cheaper, lasts a lifetime and no side effects.

Be careful with any pill you put into your body, including synthetic vitamins. Just because its "all natural" doesn't mean its safe and it doesn't mean it will work.
Reply:chipper Why heck NO why would we try diet and exercise? Never thought of THAT idea - duh !

gitrdone - it appears to be safe - google it for side effects to gain more knowledge and always check with your Dr or pharmacy if your on any medicine. Report It

Reply:I mean really chipper. By now I think people know this there is no need to answer if you don't have the answer to the question.

gitrdone I would like to try it since there is no harm in doing so for me. Good luck! Report It

genealogy mormon

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