9/11/01. I was watching the news while getting ready for work. I was shocked to find out twin towers collapsed. When I got to work, I couldn't concentrate. Got a phone call from my mom to tell me my beloved dog had passed away that morning. I cried so hard people were coming to me to console and to ask me if I knew someone from the collapsed towers. I said no, my dog of 10 years died this morning. I was a complete mess from the terrorist attack and from the death of my dog. My dog was buried that day next to the pomegranate tree he frequented. I went to NY the following year to visit ground zero but never got the chance until last year. My husband and I flew to NY %26amp; we stayed @ the Millenium Hilton Hotel right across from ground zero. Our room completely overlooked the site. I sat my bags down and just was overcome with sorrow. I cried and said a prayer. Please take a moment today to remember the victims of 9/11 and say a prayer. God Bless America.
Remembering 9/11. Where were you on 9/11/2001?
I was in 6th grade in Social Studies when the principal of my middle school came over the intercom and announced that the first tower had fallen. I remember a girl burst out crying and left the room. We forgot about the ancient Greek and turned on the television for the rest of the class, to see the second tower go down. I was 10, I didn't really know what it meant, except that it was bad, but I was in shock, and I saw the pain on the faces of all my teacher's that day.
6 years later, I was sitting in my 12th grade AP Gov class, at the exact same time that the towers fell 6 years ago. We were discussing the act of terrorism and how the US has changed since it happened. It is weird to think how much I have grown up since then. When it happened, I didn't know how serious it really was, now I know the full extent, and I know the loss that was felt.
It is good to remember, but to not dwell on the past, because if we continue to do so, we will have no future. I think it is important to go see Ground Zero because it is an important part of our culture now. We need to remember how we came together as a nation, and we need to ensure that it never happens again. God Bless America, and God Bless those lost in 9/11. Our hearts are with you
Reply:I was at work, a daycare and some of the staff memebers we're freaking out and scared the children. It wasn't pretty.
Reply:I watched the 2nd tower go down on TV while I was ironing my clothes for work. I was 37 weeks pregnant and my office was throwing me a baby shower. I was so sad to think about bringing a life into such a cruel world.
I vowed on that day to raise my children to be peacemakers.
Reply:I was in my 12th grade history class that morning when it happened. I live only about 25 minutes from Manhattan...so I remember a lot of people worrying about friends and family that worked there. I can't believe it has already been six years.
Reply:I was on my way to work. I heard on the radio that a plane had flown into one of the twin towers. It wasnt until I got to work that I heard about the second. My boss had a tv on at work and we watched it for a while and then tried to concentrate on our work. Alot of our drivers on the road were really freaked out and wanted to come back to work and forget there routes but the day had to go on. It was a very sad day.
I also made the trip to NY to see ground zero 2 years ago. Its a very overwhelming experience but im glad I did it.
Reply:I was in 9th grade drama class. I remember sirens going off in the school. Then the principal came in and turned on our tv, we had no idea what was going on. School was pretty much cancelled that day and all we did was watch the news.
Reply:I worked at work, dealing poker at a Nevada casino. There was a TV in the room. The casino was nearly empty because it was so early in the morning. I was on break looking at the TV when the news came on about the attack. We had two poker games going on so I told everyone. Most walked over to see it and then went back to the games. Dealers and supervisors were coming in from the pit to see it. I had to go back to work. I was dealing the game and trying to see and hear the t.v. too. I was stunned that these players could ignore this. I lost all respect for poker players that morning. I got off work two hours later and rushed home. I turned on the TV and watched this for a solid month. I cried every day. I still do when I see things on TV about it. I shouldn't even watch anymore, but can't help myself. I get angry with these idiots that claim we did it ourselves. I read the 9/11 report. There is so much junk like this on the Internet. People can read this stuff and be so gullible.
Reply:I was at work and one of the guys that was a notorious prankster told us that a plane had just crashed into one of the towers. Two weeks earlier he had told one of the guys that a major flood had happened in Chicago and had the guy all worried about his family there. We laughed and told him how full of crap he was but then my boss called me out to his truck a few minutes later and it was on the news.
We were just shocked, couldn't really focus. Later when we heard about the pentagon, we got really worried thinking this might turn into the next world war. Maybe it has and we just haven't really called it that yet.
Reply:I was at work. I work in a government building, so when this all went down, they evacuated our building very quickly. There are about 5000 people that work in this sector, and it was hectic. I was glad to get the day off, and I was glued to the tv and radio all day.
Reply:I had just flown home to MA from Sedona Arizona where we had done a meditiation a few days before at a place called the twin towers and 3 of us had had this wierd vision of them(the ones around us) falling. Spooked me for the rest of the trip and i couldn't sleep good or get the horrible feeling out of my nerves. i kid you not. then to have been home only a couple of hours and see what was happening on TV freaked me out. I knew a handful of people that were on the planes. A couple of massage clients and friends of friends
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