Saturday, October 24, 2009

ATTN christians!!! incest in the bible????!!!!!!?

Song of Songs 8:1-3 "If only you were to me like a brother, who was nursed at my mother's breasts! Then, if I found you outside, I would kiss you, and no one would despise me. I would lead you and bring you to my mother's house-- she who has taught me. I would give you spiced wine to drink [i.e., her vagina's semen!], the nectar of my pomegranates. His left arm is under my head and his right arm embraces me."

ATTN christians!!! incest in the bible????!!!!!!?
Whoa, that's sick!
Reply:You interpret falsely. Get a life.
Reply:Dont be sick man. you dont got a clue what its talking about. when it comes to lot he wasn't Christian anyway.
Reply:Song of Solomon 8:1-2

I wish you'd been my twin brother, sharing with me the breasts of my mother,

Playing outside in the street,

kissing in plain view of everyone,

and no one thinking anything of it.

I'd take you by the hand and bring you home

where I was raised by my mother.

You'd drink my wine

and kiss my cheeks.

Does that help? It sounds like no-one wanted her to be with him.
Reply:Song of Salomon 6:13, 14 “Come back, come back, O Shu´lam·mite! Come back, come back, that we may behold you!”

“What do YOU people behold in the Shu´lam·mite?”

The bible refers to the shulammite as a beatiful woman, from whom Salomon is in love, with, but she has no intest in him, not even for his money, so Salomon is trying to deceive her with his power and money and material possesions, but none of those things are of interest to the Shulammite....but her love is to one humble shephered....and wants to keep it that way...and that's what it's refering in this verse which you are trying to see it in a perverted way....she would like to present her beloved one to her mother, and make him part of the family as when someone gets married to someone and her family becomes your some way...Jehovah Witness
Reply:Let's not forget Lott being drunk and screwing his daughters.
Reply:You should see the story of Sodom and Gomorrah for more incest. :P Lot banged his children.
Reply:Lots of incest in the bible, it's a game the whole family can play
Reply:Incest is mentioned several times in the Bible. God isn't in the buselness of hiding men's sin. But the Song of Solomon is a dialogue between young lovers. The POV changes to the woman's in verse 7:10. She wants to be able to kiss him in public, as would be proper for siblings in that culture.
Reply:First of all how did you get the spiced wine is a vagina?

This is not incest. Of course you make anything sound bad if your tried hard enough.
Reply:The Bible can be interpreted in many ways and perhaps this is what you wanted to hear as you read the words.
Reply:I will pray for you O.K,If you can't interpret the bible right ask god to to give you better understanding when reading the bible and try not to think with your mind in the gutter.

She's saying if people thought he was her brother she could kiss him in public and take him back home with her without anyone getting suspicious. Once inside the house the brother comparison disappears and they can have sex.

The Song of Songs has some great erotica in it.
Reply:you think thats sick? you should read about the raping of enemy women in the time of war in the OT now thats just sick too. most of the bible has some really sick stuff in it and most christians dont even bother to read about. there are even stories of fathers selling there daughters into slavery in the bible. but no one pays any mind to incest in the bible people still have sex with there children in this day and age which is even sicker than what some would think. keep in mind most christians have no idea of the sickness and hatred that is in the bible.
Reply:Yeah. There are so many things wrong with your statement I don't know where to begin. But I am pretty sure that spiced wine means exactly that... spiced... wine...

And as far as I know, he only says "like a brother" not "is my brother"

Really... this is just immature.
Reply:Incest was in the bible in the book of Genesis, dont be so late next time
Reply:I am not Christian, but even I think this is a bit of a stretch.
Reply:And who the heck interpreted this...Your drunk little brother, or you?
Reply:I'm not sure if this really indicates incest. It sounds more like wanting her love to be of the same tribe. People were not allowed to court or marry outside of their groups during this time. I think brother is used more as belonging to the group not so much a biological brother. If you want real incest in the bible check out the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. After the towns are destroyed Lot, his wife, and two daughters flee. The wife turns back to look and is turned into a pillar of salt. Lot and his daughters hide in the mountains. Believing that the world has been destroyed the daughters get Lot drunk and seduce him in order to reproduce.
Reply:Get a life.

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